
Thursday, August 12, 2010

New blog about Fundraising

This just a short note to say that I have set up a new blog solely to deal with my professional life in fundraising, marketing and voluntary sector management at

This should not have any effect on my existing blog as the new one is mainly comments on news stories covering fundraising and charity issues.

The new blog is hosted by Blogger (free of charge) and uses their  custom domain feature although the domain is registered through Blacknight rather than Google/Blogger. It also utilises the new Blogger static pages feature which allows up to ten static web pages for other non blog information. Its surprisingly good. Blogger now also has a version of Google Analytics built into it (currently only accessible through "Blogger in draft").

Total cost of setting up the new blog £0 as I already owned the domain name (less than £10 to buy if you don't already have one.