Wednesday, July 25, 2012

When 404 pages go wrong

Go here:

Click on “taking part” on the left hand side of the screen and read the ads.

I particularly like this one:

Especially as the church who'se web site it is is planning to leave the Church of Scotland over its position on "the sanctity of marriage".

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Asda and plate inflation

Having recently got a dishwasher I decided I needed more plates. My current dinner set was a cheap Asda smart price one which is surprisingly finely made. I like simple white plates and they have served me well so I decided to buy another set. Imagine my surprise when the side plates and dishes in the new set were substantially smaller than the original set that are just over a year old. They must have reduced the size to keep to the unfeasible £4.65 price point. I would rather pay £10 for full size plates!
(Photo shows older plates on left and newer ones on the right)

Update 20/07/12:
I have tried to engage Asda on Twitter, but got no response so I have emailed their customer service team:

Dear Sirs,
I purchased an Asda Smart Price dinner set just over a year ago and was very happy with it. Its not great quality, but it works and I like white plates. Having bought a dishwasher i decided I needed more plates and bought a second set from you. Imagine my surprise when the plates in the new set turned out to be substantially smaller than the originals. The side plates are equivalent to saucer size and will not hold a slice of toast made from your own brand bread.
I fail to see how this makes any sense. I am sure it saved some money and kept the price down, but it made the product not fit for purpose. it would have been more sensible to keep the original sizes and put the price up by a few pounds. If this is taken further then the next version will be like dolls house crockery.
Gordon Hudson
Update 24th July 2012 I received an answerphone message from Asda indicating that it was probably cost related, but they would pass my comment to their buyers. Cost is not the be all and end all of retailing. Ultimately the products have to work or we would all end up with dolls house size crockery.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Daystar may lose its UK broadcasting licence

The only Christian TV channel on the Freeview platform - Daystar Television Network - risks losing its broadcasting licence in the UK for failing to submit their "Relative Turnover" returns to OFCOM. These are used to asses the level of licence fee to be charged. The most likely outcome is a fine, but revocation of the licence is noted as an option:

As a consequence of this serious and continuing
licence breach, Ofcom is putting these licensees on notice that their present
contravention of their licences is being considered for the imposition of a
statutory sanction, including licence revocation.

Other channels are listed as in breach. Genesis TV is listed as not in breach, but having been late in providing accounts. Genesis was previously on Sky EPG channel 592 which is now KICC TV.

Full details in the OFCOM Broadcast Bulletin of 9th July 2012 here (PDF file).

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Instruction Manual for White Westinghouse Washing machine / Dryer BI 1200

Having moved into a flat which had the integrated version of this fitted, but no instruction book I found it impossible to work out what the programme settings were. After investigating I discovered they were manufactured by a company called CDA and they sold it under their brand as model number CI992 or CI993.

I managed to get a copy of the CI992 instruction manual so here is a link to it on Google Docs:
White Westinghouse BI 1200 instructions

The controls are identical to the White Westinghouse so the problem is now solved.

I hope this helps someone else.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Matthew Henry on Homosexuality

Lest anybody think that evangelical views on homosexuality are rooted in the bible and have never changed lets look at Matthew Henry (1662-1714)

According to Matthew Henry homosexuality is the punishment given to someone by God for the sin of  idolatry and not a direct sin in itself, except in it being against the levitical law and being a scandalous sin greater than others in the publics mind of that time.

A law against unnatural lusts, sodomy and bestiality, sins not to be named nor thought of without the utmost abhorrence imaginable, Lev. 18:22, 23. Other sins level men with the beasts, but these sink them much lower. That ever there should have been occasion for the making of these laws, and that since they are published they should ever have been broken, is the perpetual reproach and scandal of human nature; and the giving of men up to these vile affections was frequently the punishment of their idolatries; so the apostle shows, Rom. 1:24.
Commentary on Leviticus Ch 18


The judgments of God upon them for this idolatry; not many temporal judgments (the idolatrous nations were the conquering ruling nations of the world), but spiritual judgments, giving them up to the most brutish and unnatural lusts. Paredoken autous—He gave them up; it is thrice repeated here, Rom. 1:24, 26, 28. Spiritual judgments are of all judgments the sorest, and to be most dreaded
Commentary on Romans 1:24

I am not sure that any modern evangelical would hold to this view, yet both Henry and his modern counterparts would both claim to be interpreting the bible literally and without prejudice.

What I m saying here is that there is no such thing as a literal interpretation of anything in the bible. It all requires interpretation of some sort and evangelicals do this as much as liberals.

Let he who is without sin!