Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blogger for mobile web browsers

Wordpress has had built in mobile functionality for some time, but now Blogger has caught up. The feature can be found by logging into Blogger, switching to "Blogger in Draft" and going to "Settings" then "Email & Mobile". There you can switch on the mobile version. In the next month or so this will be moved out of "draft" and put into the main Blogger so if you are reading this in the future then it will be easier to find.

Once this is done any browser connecting to the server which is detected as being from a mobile device will be shown the mobile version (which is optimised for touch devices). You can link directly to the mobile version by adding "?m=1" to the end of the URL like this:

I backed up my template before switching it on, but it did not affect my modified template or overwrite it with the standard one. This means it should be safe to turn on, but backing up is always a good idea.